Stelle Telephone Company Logo

Stelle Telephone Company

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Stelle Telephone Company offers Fixed Wireless internet service in Illinois.

Stelle Telephone Company's Coverage:

The industries with the most concentration within Stelle Telephone Company's coverage area are Wholesale Trade (27.27%), Construction (18.18%), and Manufacturing (9.09%).

We've calculated that businesses within Stelle Telephone Company's total footprint have access to an average of 0.00 wired alternatives and 3.00 wireless alternatives.

Average # of wireless alternatives within footprint

Largest Sectors

Sector % of Businesses by Sector within Footprint
Wholesale Trade27.27%
Other Services (except Public Administration)9.09%
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services9.09%
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing9.09%
Finance and Insurance9.09%
Transportation and Warehousing9.09%

Largest Employers within Footprint

Employment Type% of Jobs
Farm Supplies Merchant Wholesalers 27.78%
Interior Design Services27.78%
All Other Miscellaneous Manufacturing 27.78%
Other Similar Organizations (except Business, Professional, Labor, and Political Organizations) 6.94%
Residential Remodelers 1.39%
Grain and Field Bean Merchant Wholesalers 1.39%
Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Local 1.39%
Investment Banking and Securities Dealing 1.39%
Plumbing and Heating Equipment and Supplies (Hydronics) Merchant Wholesalers 1.39%
Offices of Real Estate Agents and Brokers1.39%

Cities Where Stelle Telephone Company Offers Service