Business Internet Providers in Patriot, OH

There are 6 business internet service providers in Patriot. Enter your address to see which have coverage at your specific location.

  • Provider

    AT&T Logo


    • 100% DSL
    • 44% Fixed Wireless

    Speed / Rating

    10 Mbps

    Based on 104176 verified users

    Setup Service

    Call Now(888) 668-9132
    • SMB
    • ENT
    • GOV
  • Provider

    T-Mobile 5G Home Internet Logo


    • 100% Fixed Wireless

    Speed / Rating

    25 Mbps

    Based on 1 verified users

    Setup Service

    • SMB
    • ENT
    • GOV
  • Provider

    Agile Networks Logo


    • 100% Fixed Wireless

    Speed / Rating

    1,000 Mbps

    Based on 1 verified users

    Setup Service

    Call Now(888) 494-0549
    • SMB
    • ENT
    • GOV
  • Provider

    JB-Nets Logo


    • 100% Fixed Wireless

    Speed / Rating

    50 Mbps

    Based on 1 verified users

    Setup Service

    Call Now(740) 446-2975
    • SMB
    • ENT
    • GOV
  • Provider

    EarthLink 5G Home Internet Logo


    • 94% Fixed Wireless

    Speed / Rating

    25 Mbps

    Based on 0 verified users

    Setup Service

    • SMB
    • ENT
    • GOV

Business Broadband Competition in Patriot

Competitive Rating

Rating is based on average number of business broadband providers when compared to other cities nationally.

Within Patriot, OH there are 6 providers offering business service.[1]

We estimate that each business in Patriot has an average of 1.08 wired providers available at their location.[2] Based on this, Patriot is less competitive than 77% of cities in the state of Ohio and is more competitive than 49% of cities nationally.

The business internet providers with the largest coverage within Patriot are: T-Mobile 5G Home Internet, Agile Networks, JB-Nets, AT&T, and EarthLink 5G Home Internet.

In short, Patriot is the 743rd most competitive city in the state out of 1012 cities when it comes to business broadband connectivity. This puts it directly behind Somerdale, Rosewood, and Milton Center.

Of the internet providers offering service, none currently offer fiber optic service. There is one provider offering fixed wireless coverage with satellite providers likely offering coverage as well.

  1. We count each technology footprint separately.
  2. This calculation is based on the FCC's guideline: A provider is considered to service a location if they currently have service available or can provide service within an interval that is typical for that type of connection without an extraordinary commitment of resources.

Data Centers Near Patriot, OH

500 Diederich Blvd
Ashland, KY 41101 25 mi
  • Ashland Technology Complex and Data Center

545 Scherers Ct
Columbus, OH 43085 89 mi
555 Scherers Ct
Columbus, OH 43085 89 mi
345 N. 2nd St
Columbus, OH 43201 89 mi
955 W 3rd Ave
Columbus, OH 43212 89 mi
101 E Town St
Columbus, OH 43215 89 mi
175 S 3rd St
Columbus, OH 43215 89 mi
  • Information and Communications Services, LLC

226 N 5th St
Columbus, OH 43215 89 mi
  • Level 3 Communications

  • WOW Business/E Solutions

Business Broadband Competition Map for Patriot

This map is designed to see broadband competition across at a glance. For address level results and availability make sure to enter your address above.

Business Enviroment in Patriot

Among all the businesses that call Patriot home, the largest sectors in terms of employment are Health Care and Social Assistance, Construction, and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting.

From a business concentration perspective, the most common business types in Patriot, grossing over $1M in revenue are: Other Residential Care Facilities .

Largest Employment Sectors

Sector Employment Percentage
Health Care and Social Assistance73.53%
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, and Hunting5.88%
Other Services (except Public Administration)2.94%
Accommodation and Food Services2.94%

Percentage of Major Establishments by Type

Type Percentage of Major Establishments
Other Residential Care Facilities 33.33%

Patriot, Ohio Internet Providers for Businesses


Provider NameCoverage in Patriot, OhioMax Download SpeedProvider TypePhone Number
AT&T100%10 MbpsDSL and Fixed Wireless(888) 668-9132
T-Mobile 5G Home Internet100%25 MbpsFixed Wireless
Agile Networks100%1,000 MbpsFixed Wireless(888) 494-0549
JB-Nets100%50 MbpsFixed Wireless(740) 446-2975
EarthLink 5G Home Internet94%25 MbpsFixed Wireless


Provider NameCoverage in Patriot, OhioMax Download SpeedProvider TypePhone Number
AT&T100%10 MbpsDSL and Fixed Wireless(888) 668-9132

Fixed Wireless

Provider NameCoverage in Patriot, OhioMax Download SpeedProvider TypePhone Number
AT&T100%10 MbpsDSL and Fixed Wireless(888) 668-9132
T-Mobile 5G Home Internet100%25 MbpsFixed Wireless
Agile Networks100%1,000 MbpsFixed Wireless(888) 494-0549
JB-Nets100%50 MbpsFixed Wireless(740) 446-2975
EarthLink 5G Home Internet94%25 MbpsFixed Wireless