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NETEO High Speed Internet offers Fixed Wireless internet service in Colorado.
The industries with the most concentration within NETEO High Speed Internet's coverage area are Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services (19.09%), Construction (15.24%), and Retail Trade (8.75%).
We've calculated that businesses within NETEO High Speed Internet's total footprint have access to an average of 1.64 wired alternatives and 4.09 wireless alternatives.
From a pricing perspective, the average quoted price per MBPS within NETEO High Speed Internet's coverage area is $78.14/mo.
When it comes to what businesses actually spend on telecom, we found that businesses within NETEO High Speed Internet's on average spend $408.52/mo on internet and communications services.
This data is based on 177 quotes for broadband service and 25 sales within NETEO High Speed Internet's coverage area.
For more information about this data please see our full write up on business internet pricing.
Average monthly spend in coverage area
Average price per mbps in coverage area
Sector | % of Businesses by Sector within Footprint |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 19.09% |
Construction | 15.24% |
Retail Trade | 8.75% |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 8.24% |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 7.43% |
Accommodation and Food Services | 6.46% |
Finance and Insurance | 5.86% |
Administrative Support; Waste Management and Remediation Services | 5.73% |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 5.3% |
Wholesale Trade | 4.78% |