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GoBrolly Communications offers Fixed Wireless internet service in 2 states with their largest coverage being in Kansas and Missouri.
The industries with the most concentration within GoBrolly Communications's coverage area are Construction (16.33%), Retail Trade (13.07%), and Other Services (except Public Administration) (11.53%).
We've calculated that businesses within GoBrolly Communications's total footprint have access to an average of 1.33 wired alternatives and 2.52 wireless alternatives.
Sector | % of Businesses by Sector within Footprint |
Construction | 16.33% |
Retail Trade | 13.07% |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 11.53% |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 9.41% |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 8.17% |
Administrative Support; Waste Management and Remediation Services | 7.14% |
Accommodation and Food Services | 6.44% |
Finance and Insurance | 5.97% |
Wholesale Trade | 5.46% |
Manufacturing | 3.84% |