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Faster Cajun Networks

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Faster Cajun Networks offers Fixed Wireless internet service in Louisiana.

Faster Cajun Networks's Coverage:

The industries with the most concentration within Faster Cajun Networks's coverage area are Retail Trade (18.12%), Other Services (except Public Administration) (10.42%), and Construction (9.85%).

We've calculated that businesses within Faster Cajun Networks's total footprint have access to an average of 0.92 wired alternatives and 1.64 wireless alternatives.

Average # of wired alternatives within footprint
Average # of wireless alternatives within footprint

Largest Sectors

Sector % of Businesses by Sector within Footprint
Retail Trade18.12%
Other Services (except Public Administration)10.42%
Health Care and Social Assistance9.06%
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services8.91%
Accommodation and Food Services6.9%
Wholesale Trade6.18%
Transportation and Warehousing5.75%
Finance and Insurance5.54%
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing4.82%

Largest Employers within Footprint

Employment Type% of Jobs
Limited-Service Restaurants 4.39%
Computer Systems Design Services 4.27%
Warehouse Clubs and Supercenters 4.25%
General Medical and Surgical Hospitals 4.23%
New Car Dealers 4.15%
Nursing Care Facilities (Skilled Nursing Facilities) 3.48%
Full-Service Restaurants 2.52%
Religious Organizations 2.52%
Ship Building and Repairing 2.29%
Gasoline Stations with Convenience Stores 2.13%