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Aristata Communications offers Fixed Wireless and Fiber internet service in Colorado.
The industries with the most concentration within Aristata Communications's coverage area are Retail Trade (16.25%), Construction (13.77%), and Accommodation and Food Services (12.5%).
We've calculated that businesses within Aristata Communications's total footprint have access to an average of 1.01 wired alternatives and 1.70 wireless alternatives.
Sector | % of Businesses by Sector within Footprint |
Retail Trade | 16.25% |
Construction | 13.77% |
Accommodation and Food Services | 12.5% |
Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services | 9.79% |
Other Services (except Public Administration) | 9.14% |
Health Care and Social Assistance | 8.68% |
Real Estate and Rental and Leasing | 7.38% |
Finance and Insurance | 4.5% |
Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation | 3.56% |
Administrative Support; Waste Management and Remediation Services | 3.13% |